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Analog Science Fiction and Fact. This article is about the science fiction magazine. For the defunct computer magazine devoted to the Atari 8- bit home computer line, see A.

N. A. L. O. G. The cover art is by Wesso. Analog Science Fiction and Fact is an American science- fiction magazine published under various titles since 1. Originally titled Astounding.

Stories of Super- Science, the first issue was dated January 1. William Clayton, and edited by Harry Bates. Clayton went bankrupt in 1. Street & Smith.

Orlin Tremaine, who soon made Astounding the leading magazine in the nascent pulp science fiction field, publishing well- regarded stories such as Jack Williamson's Legion of Space and John W. At the end of 1. 93. Campbell took over editorial duties under Tremaine's supervision, and the following year Tremaine was let go, giving Campbell more independence. Over the next few years Campbell published many stories that became classics in the field, including Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, A.

E. The period beginning with Campbell's editorship is often referred to as the Golden Age of Science Fiction. By 1. 95. 0, new competition had appeared from Galaxy Science Fiction and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Campbell's interest in some pseudo- science topics, such as dianetics (an early version of scientology), alienated some of his regular writers, and Astounding was no longer regarded as the leader of the field, though it did continue to publish popular and influential stories: Hal Clement's novel Mission of Gravity appeared in 1. Tom Godwin's . At about the same time Street & Smith sold the magazine to Cond. Campbell remained as editor until his death in 1. Ben Bova took over from 1. Bova published stories such as Frederik Pohl's .

Bova won five consecutive Hugo Awards for his editing of Analog. Bova was followed by Stanley Schmidt, who continued to publish many of the same authors who had been contributing for years; the result was some criticism of the magazine as stagnant and dull, though Schmidt was initially successful in maintaining circulation.

Watch full movie Man`S Search For Meaning in english ultra HD. The title was sold to Davis Publications in 1. Dell Magazines in 1. Crosstown Publications acquired Dell in 1. Schmidt continued to edit the magazine until 2. Trevor Quachri. Publishing history. Gernsback had been printing scientific fiction stories for some time in his hobbyist magazines, such as Modern Electrics and Electrical Experimenter, but decided that interest in the genre was sufficient to justify a monthly magazine. Amazing was very successful, quickly reaching a circulation over 1.

He suggested to Harry Bates, a newly hired editor, that they start a magazine of historical adventure stories. Bates proposed instead a science- fiction pulp, to be titled Astounding Stories of Super Science, and Clayton agreed. The colors identify the editors for each issue. Orlin Tremaine     John W. Campbell     Ben Bova     Stanley Schmidt. Astounding was initially published by Publisher's Fiscal Corporation, a subsidiary of Clayton Magazines.

Bates aimed for straightforward action- adventure stories, with scientific elements only present to provide minimal plausibility. Normally a publisher would pay a printer three months in arrears, but when a credit squeeze began in May 1. The financial difficulties led Clayton to start alternating the publication of his magazines, and he switched Astounding to a bimonthly schedule with the June 1. Some printers bought the magazines which were indebted to them: Clayton decided to buy his printer to prevent this from happening. This proved a disastrous move.

Clayton did not have the money to complete the transaction, and in October 1. Clayton decided to cease publication of Astounding, with the expectation that the January 1.

Science Fiction Fantasies

Common Settings in Science Fiction and Fantasy Many stories use the same general settings, most of which fall into just a few categories. Space is a big place. More than 5,000 of you nominated. More than 60,000 of you voted. And now the results are in. The winners of NPR's Top 100 Science-Fiction and Fantasy survey are an. Genre Characteristics FANTASY: To Our Lovely Writers, Based on the influx of submissions to the site, we have introduced some new guidelines to help manage our editors’ time and ensure your.

As it turned out, enough stories were in inventory, and enough paper was available, to publish one further issue, so the last Clayton Astounding was dated March 1. Foley for $1. 00; Foley resold them in August to Street & Smith, a well- established publisher.

They already had two pulp titles that occasionally ventured into the field: The Shadow, which had begun in 1. Doc Savage, which had been launched in March 1.

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Goblins, elves, vampires, werewolves, fairies, trolls, dwarves, and anything else you’ve read about in fairy tales or your favorite fantasy novel series. Analog Science Fiction and Fact is an American science-fiction magazine published under various titles since 1930. Originally titled Astounding Stories of Super. Excellent first novels and short story collections from writers of science fiction and fantasy. Science Fiction Films: Books in the UC Berkeley Library. Alien Invaders and other Things From Beyond Men and Women in Space / Other Worlds.

Orlin Tremaine, an experienced editor who had been working for Clayton as the editor of Clues, and who had come to Street & Smith as part of the transfer of titles after Clayton's bankruptcy. Desmond Hall, who had also come from Clayton, was made assistant editor; because Tremaine was editor of Clue and Top- Notch, as well as Astounding, Hall did much of the editorial work, though Tremaine retained final control over the contents. Astounding was the leading science- fiction magazine by the end of 1.

Street & Smith's rates of one cent per word (sometimes more) on acceptance were not as high as the rates paid by Bates for the Clayton Astounding, but they were still better than those of the other magazines. Tremaine remained in control of story selection. All the stories intended for Clues in this pile, all those for Astounding in that stack. Two days before press time of each magazine, Tremaine would start reading.

He would start at the top of the pile and read stories until he had found enough to fill the issue. Now, to be perfectly fair, Tremaine would take the stack of remaining stories and turn it upside down, so next month he would start with the stories that had been on the bottom this month. Gruber pointed out that stories in the middle might go many months before Tremaine read them; the result was erratic response times that sometimes stretched to over 1.

His replacement as editor of Astounding was John W. Campbell had made his name in the early 1. He started working for Street & Smith in October 1. December 1. 93. 7. The March 1. 93. 8 issue was the first that was fully his responsibility.

His departure, on May 1, 1. Campbell a freer rein with the magazine. Campbell's editorial policy was targeted at the more mature readers of science fiction, and he felt that . Astounding returned to pulp- size in mid- 1. November 1. 94. 3, increasing the number of pages to maintain the same total wordcount. The price remained at 2. During 1. 95. 9, Astounding was priced at 5.

The results were apparently satisfactory, and the price was raised with the November 1. The change began with the February 1. October; for several issues both . All the advertisers in these magazines had plates made up to take advantage of this size, and Cond. The front and back signatures were changed to glossy paper, to carry both advertisements and scientific features. The change did not attract advertising support, however, and from the April 1. Analog reverted to digest size once again.

Circulation, which had been increasing before the change, was not harmed, and continued to increase while Analog was in slick format. They asked Kay Tarrant, who had been Campbell's assistant, to help them find a replacement: she contacted regular contributors to ask for suggestions. Several well- known writers turned down the job; Poul Anderson did not want to leave California, and neither did Jerry Pournelle, who also felt the salary was too small. Before he died, Campbell had talked to Harry Harrison about taking over as editor, but Harrison did not want to live in New York. Lester del Rey and Clifford D.

Simak were also rumored to have been offered the job, though Simak denied it; Frederik Pohl was interested, but suspected his desire to change the direction of the magazine lessened his chances with Cond. He chose Ben Bova, afterwards telling Bova that his stories and articles . In 1. 97. 5, he proposed a new magazine to Cond. Bova resigned in June 1. Stanley Schmidt to succeed him. Schmidt's first issue was December 1. Bova continued to appear for several months.

No April issue; then. May to December, with an additional. Mid- September issue. Monthly issues January to December,with an additional Mid- September issue.

Issue data for 1. Stanley Schmidt was editor throughout. In 1. 97. 7, Davis Publications launched Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, and after Bova's departure, Joel Davis, the owner of Davis Publications, contacted Cond. Analog had always been something of a misfit in Cond. The first issue published by Davis was dated September 1.

Starting with the first 1. Davis switched Analog to a four- weekly schedule, rather than monthly, to align the production schedule with a weekly calendar. Instead of being dated . The cover date was changed back to the current month starting with the April 1. The editors were. Stanley Schmidt (green) and Trevor. Quachri (yellow).

In 1. 99. 2 Analog was sold to Dell Magazines, and Dell was in turn acquired by Crosstown Publications in 1. Schmidt retired in August 2. Trevor Quachri, who continues to edit Analog as of 2. Smith's Triplanetary. The first incarnation of Astounding was an adventure- oriented magazine: unlike Gernsback, Bates had no interest in educating his readership through science. The covers were all painted by Wesso and similarly action- filled; the first issue showed a giant beetle attacking a man.

Bates would not accept any experimental stories, relying mostly on formulaic plots. In the eyes of Mike Ashley, a science- fiction historian, Bates was . Smith's Triplanetary, which Bates would have published had Astounding not folded in early 1. The cover Wesso had painted for the story appeared on the March 1. Clayton. These stories appeared in the first Street & Smith Astounding, dated October 1. The policy was probably worked out between Tremaine and Desmond Hall, his assistant editor, in an attempt to give Astounding a clear identity in the market that would distinguish it from both the existing science- fiction magazines and the hero pulps, such as The Shadow, that frequently used sf ideas.

Over the succeeding issues, it became apparent that Tremaine was genuinely willing to publish material that would have fallen foul of editorial taboos elsewhere.